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ABOUT  US About us


Our immigration consulting office is located at Vancouver, the most beautiful city on the West Coast of Canada. Experienced education consultants and Canadian Immigration Professionals (member of ICCRC) are here to help you achieve your goals.

No matter where you are from, we are pleased to offer you the best service regarding immigration, education, visa, permanent resident card or citizenship applications.

For the past 10 years, thousands of our clients from all over the world have studied in Canada, traveled to Canada, reunited in Canada, immigrated to Canada and finally become Canadians. We have professional teams to help more and more people to make their Canadians dreams come true.

Our immigration consulting office is located in Vancouver, a city on the west coast of Canada. It is a member of the Canadian Immigration Law Commission (CICC) and a designated cooperative agency of the British Columbia Department of Education. It is committed to providing the most professional, efficient, honest and responsible Canadian immigration and study visas. and other professional services. We are a professional, sincere and efficient team. Whether you are in China or have come to Canada, as long as you have any needs related to Canadian immigration, study abroad, visa, naturalization, and Maple Leaf Card affairs, we can provide you with the most targeted solutions.

Since its establishment in 2009, we have successfully handled more than 15,000 applications for more than 8,000 clients, including investment immigration, international student immigration, skilled immigration, reunion immigration, overseas work visas, employer work guarantees and other visas. Card renewal, Canadian citizenship, etc. We will win the trust and support of our customers with efficient and sincere professional services.

All our members promise to our customers: We will do our best to accompany you through the hard journey of immigration for every entrustment you make!


​BC Investment Immigration

BC, Canada, has beautiful scenery and a mild climate. Most of the year, the temperature is between 0-20 degrees Celsius, and flowers are blooming everywhere. The main city, Vancouver, is also a famous garden city.
BC's government nomination business immigration program requires applicants to have personal assets of more than 600,000 Canadian dollars and an investment amount of more than 200,000 Canadian dollars. After the investment immigration application is reviewed and approved, the government will issue a work visa, sign a business agreement, and after two years of operation, the government will review and approve the Canadian permanent resident status.


Quebec investment immigration

Quebec, Canada, a unique and beautiful place, here is the concentrated residence of French descendants in Canada. It is the only French-speaking province in Canada. Quebec investment immigration requires applicants to have a net asset of 1.6 million Canadian dollars and invest 80 Canadian dollars in A government-guaranteed investment fund that is returned interest-free after 5 years. After the application is approved, the applicant directly obtains Canadian permanent resident status.


Study abroad immigration project

one.  Project advantage

  1. No asset requirements, no language requirements, no occupational background requirements, and low education requirements;

  2. Children receive free education and spouses can legally work in Canada for income;

  3. The whole family can enjoy Canadian medical benefits;

  4. The requirements for applicants are not high, the immigration cost is low, and it is suitable for the middle class;

  5. For only 100,000 Canadian dollars, the whole family will land in Canada and become permanent residents.

two.  Basic conditions that need to be met

  1. Hold a multiple-entry tourist visa to the United States or Canada;

  2. Have a high school degree or above, and have a certain English foundation;

  3. under the age of 50;

  4. have a certain economic ability.


Canadian federal skilled immigration

one.  work experience

  1. At least one year (1,560 hours total / 30 hours per week) of work experience, either continuous full-time or equivalent part-time;

  2. Paid jobs (volunteers, unpaid jobs do not count);

  3. the same NOC occupation code (in the same NOC skill type (0, A or B));

  4. nearly 10 years;

   5. Occupation falls under the 2011 NOC  level         0, A, or B.

two.  language skills

    IELTS at CLB7 level

   (IELTS 4 6), valid for 2 years.

three.  Academic requirements

  1. Complete the Canadian ECA qualification certification;

  2. Meet the score of 67 points.


Canadian Experience Class Immigration

one.  work experience

  1. At least 1 year of full-time or equivalent part-time Canadian skilled work experience in the past 3 years (skilled work experience: refers to jobs 0, A, B in the NOC ).

  2. have gained your experience in Canada with the proper authorization;

  3. Complete the Canadian ECA qualification certification.

two.  language skills

    For Class 0 and A jobs: IELTS      To CLB7 level (IELTS 4       6), for Class B jobs:

    IELTS at CLB5 level.

Note: Self-employment and part-time work during school do not count as work experience;


Immigration to Canada

one.  work experience
1. No academic requirements, no self-assessment criteria

   You can enter if you meet the following conditions     EE system:
2. 2 years of technical work experience in the past 5 years (see the table below for occupational categories);
3. Meet the responsibilities of nominating skilled occupations

   description and job requirements;
4. Have a one-year full-time employer offer or a provincial

   Practicing certificate;

(A certificate of qualification in that skilled trade issued by a Canadian provincial or territorial authority).

two.  language skills
   IELTS listening 5, reading 3.5, writing 4, speaking 5 (speaking and listening CLB5, reading and writing CLB4)


加拿大省提名移民計畫Provincial Nominee Program(簡稱PNP),是指加拿大的一些省份根據自己省的經濟發展情況及對人才需要而與聯邦移民局協商出來的移民途徑。不同省份對申請人的要求不一樣,但是大部分是對申請者的年齡,學歷,職業,工作經驗,語言能力,適應能力這些情況來判斷。


快速省提名專案,省政府會注明哪些專案對接快速通道(目前魁北克省沒有對接專案)。申請人先符合聯邦技術移民、加拿大經驗類移民或聯邦技工類移民之一的條件,並登記資訊進入快速通道(EE Pool),然後再向省移民廳遞交申請材料。




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